Raspberry Pi based Digital Measurement

System in Physics


Home Hardware/Sensors PhyPiDAQ-Software Experiment Library Activity-Based Physics Collaboration



Experiment Library


The Experiment Library contains files assigned to experiments carried out with the PhyPiDAQ Digital Measurement System based on Raspberry Pi. The lab activity includes short descriptions (SD), editable Student Worksheet (SW) files with instructions for setting up and running the experiment, as well as for data analysis. The SW experiment instruction files can be modified to customize individualized lab activity needs.

Videos of the experiments give an insight into the setups and procedures the students follow to achieve the results.

In the Activity-Based Physics, the users find .csv files with recorded measurements saved by the PhyPiDAQ-software. Spreadsheets like LibreOffice installed on the Raspberry Pi or Excel to process the data stored in .csv files are well suited. Experimental settings and procedures are displayed by way of graphics and video files.

The schematics of the real electronic circuit containing the sensor connected to the Raspberry Pi is realized with the open-source Fritzing-software. The associated graphics files along with the software configuration files of type. yaml for each sensor as well as the main configuration file of type. daq for experiments with that sensor are held in directories of the Activity-Based Physics section.




short description SD

Student Worksheet SW



1.Position, Displacement, Distance
2. Speed and Velocity
3. Relative Motion in One Dimension
4. Newton’s Second Law;
5. Motion on an inclined plane;
6. Spring and Mass Oscillations;
 7. RC Circuit with LRD Operated Switch
 8. Characteristic Curve of LED (ADS1115)
9. Charging/Discharging of Capacitor (2 Steps)
10. Electromagnetic Induction by Moving a Bar Magnet
11. Characteristic Curve of LED with INA219
12. Gamma Radiation of Uranium Glass
13. Temperature and Heat Transfer
14. Reflection Spectra of Materials
15. Investigating Planck' Constant with LEDS
16. Magnetic Flux Density of a Coil of Wire B(I)
17. Magnetic Flux Density of a Coil of Wire B(d)



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